A U.S. Science and Education Repression/Regression Theory.

Richard The Chwalek
50 min readDec 2, 2020


Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

When science and education are held back by dogmatic and despotic ideas, we forfeit a better future. Others will pass us by as we cling to yesteryear perspectives, and built on sand falsehoods. Fear of change, and the slow-roll of new knowledge has been the bane of our advancement. Our guardrails may seem wide spread and favorable, but insinuating forces are making strides to narrow our growth, and disallow much flex to a newer, better society.


My science and education repression and regression theory is based on how the American political process and government incorporates its religious, economic, and historical mythos. The United States has many idiosyncratic religious, economic, historical, and political variances. While not all are totally unique to our nation, the twists, turns, schisms, and divisions produced are not easily compared to another, or revealed in one simplistic illustration. My goal is to bring the collaborators together beneath one plausible, and dryly understood umbrella.


Disclaimer: A non-scientist writing about science is risky. My writing here resembles that dilemma. However, if I stay out of the deep end, there can be value in an amateur science sleuth explaining to others who want to understand the basic…



Richard The Chwalek
Richard The Chwalek

Written by Richard The Chwalek

Mostly serious stuff w/ bits of sarcastic fluff. I wish more could be told yet bios have room 4 short & bold. You’ll see less length isn’t my greatest strength.

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