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Birds of a White Feather Supremacy Together: The Anger Rages, Yet I Use It To Soberly Fight Systemic Racism.
Racism is not just a few bad apples problem. America’s barrel of Whiteys rotted through and through centuries ago. Some so-called christian denominations even sanctified the rottenness. Why do so many of these white birds of preying on people of color flock together? Never a decade where the chains were not on, or White backlash was not meting out its conscious, and subconscious bias, societal concussions. There is something about protecting White turf, so deeply corrupted that it comes out as rude, vile, and hateful racism. Worse yet, the atrocious justification for spewing such hate is deeply rooted in White culture, and the racist policies and practices it has feathered its bed with.
Did you hear me yell in uncontrolled anger a few minutes ago? I was reading a passage from a book about racism with multiple Minnesota authors. The woman describing the incident is Hmong American. I almost tore a page of the book as I read how she was abused in…