I Have No White Privilege, And I Am Not Responsible For Racism Because…

Richard The Chwalek
4 min readMar 19, 2021
Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash


The meanderings of White denial and the White fragility of responsibility…


Yes, I agree with your between the lines premise. Taking responsibility is a tough thing. I know why you don’t want to take responsibility for White privilege, and see no systemic racism. It makes sense that way. All of us have a weakness. You may have many more, it seems. However, I am hopeful you will come around, before taking this sin of omission to the grave.


If you were soberly driving a car that hit and injured, or killed someone, but you did not “see” anything, and the only sound was a light thump like you hit a bird, you also would be innocent, right? You had no idea it was a person, and you never turned around to see what you hit because… Who would have? No one would expect us to take responsibility for it, either. We are like two peas in a pod… of white privilege denial bullshit.


I am not rich! Therefore White privilege could never be associated with me in the 99.7% White state, county, city, or neighborhood I live in. Yes, the school I went to was all White students, but if it would have become mostly Black students, I would have stayed, and we Whites would have funded it to the…



Richard The Chwalek

Mostly serious stuff w/ bits of sarcastic fluff. I wish more could be told yet bios have room 4 short & bold. You’ll see less length isn’t my greatest strength.