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Identity Politics Is, And Always Has Been, A Whitewash…
Identity politics is a term Republicans love to hate. There is really nothing there, there. It is all a scam, and has been since day one. They do not care about others except themselves. They want their lives to be better than others, period. The ideas people of color use to differentiate their situation, are not bad or good in the mind of Republicans, only to be refuted, then whitewashed away. They have no arguments to back up their criticisms or pronouncements. Everything is based on holding power, which has corrupted Republicans absolutely.
Republicans see their white identity as the only valid one. The American identity therefore must be white and mostly male, and any identity challenging whites must be pushed aside, pushed back, and pushed down. Challenging their identity is the identity politics they despise. Tagging on any other identity as requiring more representation and power, is similar to Nat Turner, Sojourner Truth, Denmark Vesey, or Phillis Wheatley challenging white supremacy in our first one hundred years.