Member-only story
Liberal & Conservative Meritocracy Crash & Burn Non-College Educated.
In 1993 when I was thirty, I was calling around to find a job in the advertising industry. At the first place I called, the agency owner asked if I had a college degree. He said, “I should consider getting one, then call him back.” Can you say, a credentialed meritocracy slap-in-the-face, downer? If that agency was not my first call, I may have kept trying anyway, but I could already hear every future call in the same vain (in vein) in my head. That is what I get for having an overactive imagination.
When on the positive side of things, such an imagination is a wonderful thing. But bad vibes send it down the negative ramp faster than I can reel it back. I did have two years of college, a year of technical schooling in radio, six years in radio, and got kinda good at standup over four years in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Yet these accomplishments were not enough to overcome my brain chemistry in those days. With encouragement and the financial stability of my wife, a school psychologist, I returned to get my degree from 1994–96, was employed shortly after graduating, and started my own business in 2000.
My father an automotive engineer at Bendix who received two years of technical training, help develop modern power…