My Magnum Opus & Eeyore Essay 3.13
It is wrong to call a White person racist when you don’t know if it is in their heart, mind, or bones.
I am Trudy sorry. But did I… At least …Hit a nerve?
Hypocritical Republicans generate insanely severe taxing scheme…
Reading crazy conspiracies and other conservative claptrap taxes the brain of persons who think logically, and use facts to undergird understanding.
Yeah. Maybe there is extreme inequality in the world, even in America…
That doesn’t mean you need to focus on it enough to see how badly it hurts people every, single, fucking, day.
When a Republican says the debt is too high…
Ask them, then why are T-Bills (or Treasury notes) always the safest investment?
To have everything explained, even quantum physics, without nuance…
Listen to a Republican.