My wife told me this last night that a guy walked out of a church council meeting, angry that the pastor started out by talking about racism. The White male council member said we are here to talk about building and grounds (his responsibility/position) not racism. “And that Black kid should have listened to the (woman) cop, and he’d still be alive.” That was our conversation last night.
This morning she said he was a sexist jerk before she found out he was a racist. It comes from the same place. Not all sexists are racists, but most racists are, my White male opinion.
Not sure how many “christians” are one or both, but I can’t imagine Jesus storming out of a meeting like a selfish asshole fuck nod. Then again maybe that is who Jesus is, and I am on the wrong side.
Signed, a White guy who may not be one of the “good ones” if that means Jesus is an ass hat fuck wad.