Setting up a new parallel structure to compete with the legacy, and bad, precedent bound structure, may be a way out of much of this horrible morass of racism, at least in the U.S. We do make small steps forward, I guess. Yet that it is like saying, "we at least make it possible for one of every five children to live a full life."
Every generation has done something, an inch or two forward, and every few generations has seen even bigger possibilities, a few gained those big things. But even MLK knew there was so much more to do, steps forward and back, twists and turns. That said, I also believe in MLK's "the fierce urgency of now!" concept, from his 1967 book, Where Do We Go From Here? No one should have to wait for their full rights to be honored.
While I do not want to add to the hubris and naiveté of overly positive prognostications, I think there is a way to ramp up these gains faster. First, incrementalism is a status quo encouraged process, and how a dominant group controls things (often coercively), it is not one of the immutable laws of physics.
Anyway, the idea I have is not simplistic, but it is something that offers another way forward. Yet it is expansive and scalable. It is non-political, as in party related. One of the things it will be able to do is end unethical and illegal job discrimination.
Getting to this idea required me to mentally drop everything we have considered before, even held dear, and then to create the new system from scratch. But without the need to upend the current system as a prerequisite in starting to build the parallel system. Though removing the bad parts of the old system will be an objective in the latter parts of development.
--- PS. Explaining this system in short bursts may seem like I am promoting a perpetual motion machine or cold fusion. However it is not magical, but I believe pragmatically thought out, as far as I can take it. Also, I have written complete essays on both incrementalism and the parallel system on Medium.