Sexual Violence Bred by the Undead Patriarchal Empire.
A revealing look at the puritanical twists & turns of patriarchal purity piracy.
Disclaimer: The essay I have written below is of my favorite type. It blends my love of history, facts, and satire. Otherwise, I like writing in the best boring dissertation style possible. Sadly, boring does not always suffice. I must warn you however, that my satire is very flexible, and not always recognizable as satire at first blush. I like sneaking into some of it. Also when I write in the first person, it may not be me alone I am referring to; it can be men in general.
Essay Pertinent Background: While I may not be the best male dude to write about women, my knowledge is likely more personally informed than most other White men, and this essay is mostly mansplaining men, and their views of women’s place in society. I write from the perspective of having 2 twenty-something daughters, and a wife, as well as growing up with four sisters [no brothers]; I am the man in the middle. We are 6 years apart, youngest to oldest.
I was a practicing Polish/Irish Catholic for the first 25 years of my life. Now I am Lutheran. Except ten years ago, we were basically excommunicated by the LCMC because we did not decide to abuse gay people, by disallowing their marriages, and ordainment. After the LCMC invaded our ELCA church…