This is coming from the White guy perspective. First, I feel the "criticisms" on wikipedia definition/explanation of CRT are weak, and mostly a standard White privileged perspective.
I have known people from many walks of life. Upper and Middle class Blacks and Whites, and much poorer. I agree that movies and other things should be done just like things occur in all parts of society, if at all possible, that it can be made entertaining, watchable, etc.
That said, the reality of life also is the quantity of inputs. To get the attention of people, you cannot do ten thousand things well, and-or get them through the muddle. For example, expecting people to get into abolition, along with promoting the watching of Netflix, would be kinda difficult, diluting, and confusing. Yes, most of us can walk and chew gum, but that doesn't mean we don't trip over a curb, or get run over by a car because we are concentrating on two things.
You look at the Civil Rights era, 1950s to 1960s. Yes it occurred before and after as well, but the big push -- where a larger percentage of Whites sat up and took notice for a while from their denial -- happened those two decades, and then generally Whites thought it was all done, were worn out, or the cohort needed to work, have families, etc. and the push faded. Then we got mass incarceration and the drug wars during that lull. So we needed a push again.
The lulls hurt, but there is never a 1960s constantly (Civil Rights and Vietnam), and if there is, people wear out, and go back to living their owns lives, then in another generation or two it builds up again.
Unfortunately, White people live for the lulls. That is where we fail. It happened dramatically after the Civil War; when Thaddeus Stevens' cohort died, Reconstruction did too. The radical Republicans did not foster a 2nd generation of radicals. Maybe it is not possible. But again, the lulls hurt. That lull especially.
One final thing. The critics like George Will, in wikipedia for CRT, are most assuredly White privileged about the legal structure and rule of law. We Whites were the ones that undermined our legal system from the beginning. Starting from a freedom and liberty bullshit document, how can half liberty and freedom still be liberty and freedom??! Then Whites compounded it with a horrible color defined legal system that is Jeckyll and Hyde as to justice. It was and is a mockery of "rule of law" - conjured by fools of guffaw! Yes, the system is still wholly fuct up.
Western rational thought?! Narative is Western thought! It is built on lying to our White selves constantly, or to our other face. Kozinski saying it eliminates "meaningful dialogue" is hypocritical claptrap. Again he is forgetting who has stymied meaningful dialogue for about 400 years. Maybe he should just shut up his White dialogue, and listen for 400 years.
(Says/writes the verbose White guy here). RTC