Very good explanation of white privilege.
And yes, white welfare has been huge and continuous. The concept of private property we hold so sacred was stolen, after killing off much of the native population in various ways. Then most of our "ancestors" got the land for free that we could plow from our government that stole it. Plus all the free gold, silver, copper, nickel, iron, aluminum, oil, gas, we could dig up, I mean steal. Later the best jobs in military, government, everywhere else for nearly 200 years… Also FHA loans, and GI Bill… huh. Seems like it could go on, don't it?
Then we say that we cannot afford reparations, but in the last 20 years we have spent an extra 20 trillion dollars on discretionary items like tax breaks for billionaires, two wars, 2008 crash, more tax breaks, COVID relief. If we spent 18 trillion dollars, for approx. 16 million households, that would raise the wealth of every Black household to the White household average of $175,000, and another $950,000 per household for pain and suffering. (Double checked my math, but let me know if I botched it.)
Now I am not suggesting that is enough, or it should be that much. But it does show that we could have afforded that much in 1999, in 1999 dollars of course, at the very least. And since The Deficit Problem is a Myth, T-Bills would pay for it, we can afford it now most likely, at minimum in installments over 10 or 20 years????