We can think like this. We can be the asshat who thinks this is societally viable. We can expect there are many who agree with us. Yet, why is this level of unawareness accepted by anyone but the five white guys who have "never" needed anything?
These men, and they are mostly of the white male type, have been in denial most of their lives. The same men given everything by a woman. They never would gave been, without a woman. Even if their life was tough, many people helped them get where they are.
My dad at age 17, had to tell his drunkard father he would kill him if he came back from the Navy during WWII, and dad found out his mom was touched/hurt by his father. His extended family, his church, his school, the government, USN, and millions of other people past, current, and future made his life possible. He went on to do much as an engineer for the Big3.
Just because, now former Texas Mayor, Boyd doesn't remember he was helped to make it to where he is, by more than just his parents, yest the government helped him throughout his life, shouldn't give him this level of superiority. However, asshats like him will still believe it. They are so full of themselves, it is surprising most didn't explode by age 21. Although such narcissism has a long half-life, note Trump, exploded in 1977. (He repaints himself orange every so often to keep his narcissism ripe.)
These "men" are embarrassing to the average neanderthal. Their minds are acres full of horse shit. I want to feel sad for them. But they must harm so many people a day, especially spouses and children, that I shed not one tear. Their sons by age 12, if not like them, have already kicked them out of the house, war or no war service. It should be domestic and societal abuse if a guy even has thoughts like this.
Let's hope Match.com, Tinder, and the rest are screening for these asshats. Since even 4Chan/8Chan, and RubeChan/BumfuckChan are reflagging these 21st century illiterates and ignoramuses.
We must rid the planet of this kind of insidious ridiculousness, and harmful idiocy.