When is Anyone a Moral Relativist?

Richard The Chwalek
3 min readOct 25, 2022

Never take a stand in an area that the status-quo shut down long ago.

Photo by Alonso Reyes on Unsplash


Every essay idea flows from something stuck in my craw. Usually a recent load of crap someone has deposited on the political scene. Some loads take me a while to push out. And there are so many large masses clogging up my system. Butt now relativism is on my (porcelain) radar screen. The relativism accusation is an endless paper roller of false-righteousness reproach. The punditry almost always misuses it.

Truth and morality are one thing, knowledge is another. Although truth and morals require knowledge of a type, recorded in some way, and-or passed along by word of mouth. Truth and morality have been sanctioned, and justified by men for nearly five millennia, often through patriarchal power, dominance, and violence.


The One (male) God of morality and truth came later, after men developed many gods, according to chronological historical evidence. Ironically the first civilization where a god was named and recorded, is the 23rd century BCE female god Inanna. In Sumerian times, women and men were seen as equals. Most of the Sumer gods were female. In time, however, these goddesses lost status to male deities.” Of course they did. From that point on in ancient times many male minds went all piggy; their hungers…



Richard The Chwalek

Mostly serious stuff w/ bits of sarcastic fluff. I wish more could be told yet bios have room 4 short & bold. You’ll see less length isn’t my greatest strength.