White Insurrection: A Tired, And Treacherous, Treasonous Direction.
Too many white people do not accept, or even know about, the horribly awful parts of our history, and refuse to believe there was such a time; whites in power have purposely shrouded our past in myth and mystery, and still employ denial to cover up our every crime.
There has never been a time in the United States when whites did not subjugate, or suffocate others. Their insurrections have always been against the truth governing their actions. Enough truth slips out to form their beautified myths; every other terrible milligram of truth is squeezed out, or smothered cold. This capacity of truth denial comes from the hubris permitted by white male testosterone infused and confused violence.
Without using overwhelming violence, the history of white people would likely be average. Not because we could not have done better, but violence became our constant companion, and irresistible go to. Ever since the flourishing of the Athenian Greeks, white western culture has devolved into violence and fear mongering as its main advancement choice. Powerful whites basically had the remainder of us beat ourselves barbarian senseless, leaving education mostly to the elite. Making it possible to cajole and coerce the lowly to go battle…