White People Are Hopeless.

Richard The Chwalek
12 min readMar 30, 2021
Photo by Gabe Pierce on Unsplash


You may think I have given up on White people by the content of this article’s title. Before I answer that question in my on way, I wanted to provide Whites the ability to redeem themselves. I cannot say this will be an easy task, but I am sure you will consider it with an open heart, fertile mind, and an accepting embrace of the truth of your sorry judgement, lack of positive engagement, and for your personal worsening of our skin color predicament.


First, I must say. Wow, Whitey! You are commended for taking all that on so willingly. It is almost like White antiracist hopefulness is ascendant… While fabricating this wholly inaccurate mirage is repulsive, it gives me the same ignorance of bliss feeling that our racist commissions and omissions have for hundreds of years. Shoot! We even let our supposed christian preachers make up shit about slavery, and many of us swallowed that stupid shit hook all the way down to our flatulence-fulminating, gullible gullets.


It is staggering how much we do not know about our history because who wants to know the truth? The truth hurts. While the truth also can be healthy, healing, and happy, if it is always about the happy, you know it is not the truth. American Exceptionalism is built on partial truths, nice happy crap half truths that is, not on TRUTH…



Richard The Chwalek
Richard The Chwalek

Written by Richard The Chwalek

Mostly serious stuff w/ bits of sarcastic fluff. I wish more could be told yet bios have room 4 short & bold. You’ll see less length isn’t my greatest strength.

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