Whites are enveloped in the White lie even when they are not antagonists. Most of us coast on our White privilege, that is why we react so angrily to the concept of White privilege. When you know something is true, are in denial, and/or too lazy to deal with it, you must react angrily.
I cannot imagine White people, as we are, and have been, ever overcoming half of what Black Americans have. We would have given up 350 years ago. White skin is white because it is it thin. Accepting the truth would expose us to our delicate nature, and that scares us. Lashing out is our only recourse; we are so sadly predictable.
Many will call this self loathing. It could be. But holding our heads so high in the exceptionalism sphere is psychotically stupid. White supremacy is a stuffed shirt of bullshit. Imagine needing slaves to do all your work; what kind of lazy fucks would do that? And those Whites called themselves Americans, please! No wonder they couldn't face being called traitors, such coddled cowards.
But most White Americans have been traitors to the cause of freedom for 245 years. Who else would continue incarcerating/enslaving a hugely disproportionate number of Black Americans in prisons to this day? We failed freedom and liberty before we even got started, and still can't stop ourselves.
For example, Myon Burrell, Minneapolis, check out his story on Reveal. https://pca.st/episode/f1cb0764-365f-4511-9e23-b496151e57a1?t=25.0 or https://apnews.com/article/myon-burrell-case-commutes-life-sentence-97073acc5950020bb0f5791f73aa4aa4.