Why Vaccines Are Scary…

Richard The Chwalek
4 min readMay 12, 2021

When science and medicine are misunderstood, fear overflows.

Photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash


That was really all I wanted to say, but since Big Pharma pays me by the word, it pays to go on, and on, and on. Sarcasm is not sufficient to help you learn about science and medicine, but it is the only instrument I have in my turn-of-a-phrase cabinet, and word doctoring bag. While Big Pharma should never be off the hook of skepticism, throwing the sick baby out with the saline solution makes no sense either.


Why do so many Americans, for various reasons and at different times, all of a sudden lose their grip on reality, lose their shit on new science, or lose their nerve to get what needs done, done?


I am not here to make fun of people. Well, at least not in this paragraph. I am here to show people how to overcome their wariness about government and science, which includes medical science. Yes, a vaccine could be unsafe. But smoking is unsafe. Some times medical doctors inject you using one needle, one time. Every time you go to an acupuncturist, they stick you with many needles. Government officials may mislead you. Trump will always mislead you. Big Pharma makes killer profits off your misery. Big Guns and Ammo have sold, and will sell, to people who actually kill thousands of Americans each year.



Richard The Chwalek

Mostly serious stuff w/ bits of sarcastic fluff. I wish more could be told yet bios have room 4 short & bold. You’ll see less length isn’t my greatest strength.